Friday, January 31, 2014

Internet Marketer|Network Marketer|Business Opportunity Seeker|Affiliate Marketer|MLM

Dear Internet Marketer|Network Marketer|Business Opportunity Seeker|Affiliate Marketer

In my last post, I mentioned how crucial it is for you
to have effective marketing.

Without it, you'll find it extremely difficult to create
residual income.

Today I'll share with you a quick story about lunch
with a millionaire. 

The founder of the 'free lead system' once had lunch
with a millionaire (let's call him Greg because he obviously
would rather remain private)...  and while he was eating,
Greg said, "You know Michael, it only takes 2 things to
generate a lot more sales!"

Needless to say, Michael stopped chewing, put down his
fork ... quickly gulped down his food and asked ...

"What would those 2 things be?" He figured he could easily
learn 2 things.

Greg said, "You need a lot more exposure, because with all
else being equal, the more exposure you have to your product,
the more sales you'll make."

Now that's not rocket science, but I like the simplicity of it ...

More Exposure = More Sales (all things being equal).

"OK Greg ... so what's the 2nd thing required to make a lot
more sales?" Michael asked.

Greg smiled and paused ... "Well, it's really quite simple ...
so simple you don't want to miss this"...

Michael waited anxiously ... and Greg continued ...

"The more effective you are with your exposure, the more
sales you'll make (all else being equal)."

Again, Michael didn't need to be a rocket scientist to agree ...

"This makes absolute sense!"

So the 1st key to success is taking a lot more action.

(this is the same thing as 'exposure'). 

The 2nd key to success,  is that you also must be effective
at the actions you take.

The key to making a lot more sales, is that you MUST have
a LOT more exposure, AND... you MUST be effective at it!

Look forward to my next message where I'll teach you about
the Million Dollar Billboard.

All The Best,

Musa Dumakude

You'll need a 'vehicle' that makes good sense.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

How To Generate Leads For FREE On Autopilot

If You Are In Network Marketing, Internet Marketing, an Affiliate, in MLM, or ...
Run Any Online or Offline Business You Know You Need Unique...
Fresh, Leads For Your Business Every Single Day!

For a Limited Time, I am Giving Away a FREE Lead Generating System That...
Generate Leads on Auto Pilot For FREE!

You Never Pay For It, Use It For FREE Forever!

I have Given Away a Lot Of Free Lead Systems Already And Now Is Your Turn To Get Yours.

Get Your Own Free Lead System Here Now and Explode Your Business Today!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

So What Is The Power Lead system?

Discover How You Can Explode Virtually Any Business &
Earn A Very Lucrative Income With The Power Lead System

Imagine Spending A LOT More Quality Time With Those You Love!
Imagine Taking A Dream Vacation That Your Family Will Treasure For ever!
Imagine Having The Time & Money To Change The Lives Of Those Less Fortunate!

What Is The Power Lead system?

The Power Lead System Is An ALL-In-One Marketing System-
-That Can Help Virtually Anyone Building a Home Based Business-
-As Well As Any Small Traditional Business-
-And Anyone Looking To Make Money Online e.g Internet Marketers, Affiliate Marketers etc...

It Has The Ability To Create UNLIMITED Lead Capture Pages,
-Unlimited Sales Pages
-Unlimited E-Mail Campaigns
-It Has a Powerful Contact Management System (Free so you don't have to pay aweber, getresponse etc)
-A Sipmle But Highly Effective Ad Tracking System
-Unlimited Sub Domains So Members Can Create Unlimited Web Pages That We Host (For Free)
-And Much More!
-It Also Includes A FREE Lead Generating System That You Can Give To Anyone (Which-
-Generates Leads For You) While They Keep It FREE Forever!

How Can You Easily Earn a Very Lucrative Passive Residual Income?

We Pay Out 100% Commission (With A Twist) On Power Lead System Customers!
You Get Paid When Anyone You Give a Free Lead System To Upgrades To Our Paid Membership (Just $30 Per Month)!

What Is The Power Lead System's TWIST On 100% Commissions?

You Get $20 Of The $30 Every Month Forever For Everyone Who Is On Your Payline!
Every Other One Of Your First 10 customers Go On Your PAYLINE

-So #1, #3,#5,#7, and #9 Go On Your PAYLINE Making You $20 Per Month Each PLUS...
-After Your 10th Customers, You Keep 4, Then Pass Up 1 Customer To Your Sponsor...
-So You Would Keep #11, #12, #13, #14 & Pass Up # 15
-This Repeats Indefinitely Where You Keep 4 & Pass Up 1
The Really Exciting Thing Is, Everyone On Your PAYLINE Will Pass Up Every Other One Of Their first 10 Customers To YOU, Plus Every 5th Sale Thereafter!

-Which Creates Tremendours LEVERAGE From OTHERS Passing Up Members To YOU!
-This Is Known As Our "Accelerated Leverage" Compensation Plan.
However Here Is What Is So UNIQUE & Powerful With Accelerated Leverage,
-When You Pass Up Someone You Don't Get ZERO. You Get a 50% Match Every Single Month On The Payline Of Everyone You Sponsor! Even The People That You Pass Up!
-Imagine Having Top Marketers Under You Passing Up 5 Of their First 10 Customers To you (Plus Every 5th Customer After Their 10th)!
-Imagine Getting a 50% Match From The Efforts Of EVERY Person You Sponsor!

Why Is NOW The Time To Promote The Power Lead System SERIOUSLY?

-If You Wait, The 1 Person You Could Have Told WILL Hear About The Power Lead System From Someone Else and That Person Could Make a Lucrative Income From Your Prospect (Who Of Course Refers Others). Instead Of YOU Earning a lucrative Income From That 1 person!

There Is a 7 Day FREE TRIAL, So You Have NO Risk!
What Is Included When You Become a Power Lead System Affiliate?
-We Have a Done For You Sales Funnels To Promote The Power Lead System!
-We Have Great Support - Training Twice a Week (Google Hangout + Manny's Tips)!
-We Have Facebook Members Only Group Where Many Members Help Each Other!
-We Also Have a Fabulous Training Program Called Endless Free Leads!
-It Includes About 60 Free Videos And MANY Scripts That Teach You How To...
...Connect, Communicate & Close Your Ideal Prospects On Social Media Sites!
-The Endless Free Leads Retails For $299, But It's FREE For PLS Affilaites!

So How Do You Get Started?

Simply Click Here To Get Started Now!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Do You Have a Great System to Generate Leads For Your Business?

Dear Network Marketer, Internet Marketer, Business Owner, Opportunity Seeker

Did you know that having a great system
to generate leads can be life-changing for
your business?

We really want you to experience the power
of this system.

People LOVE using this system because it's
totally unique. 

Think about it... how many systems put you in
a position to receive leads through geometrical

Do you understand this?... It's crazy!

This is not your typical system... and all
you have to do to 'get the ball rolling', is
log in, grab your link, and follow a few simple

Here you go...

 Grab Your Free Lead System Here Right Now!
Grab Your Free Lead System Here!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Power Lead System

What exactly is the Power Lead System Product?

The Power Lead System is an all-in-one marketing system platform including a vast array of features. It's powered by Priceless Possibilities who's been creating custom marketing systems for nearly two decades. The Power Lead system provides entrepreneurs with the tools necessary to grow their business and make more sales, as they promote the business of their choice.

If you are looking for more LEADS, plus help in promoting your business, you don't want to pass up this great FREE product!

Are You Selling The Hole Or The Drill?

Dear Network Marketer, Internet Marketer, Business Owner,

In my last blog post, I mentioned that 'A Confused
Mind Says NO."

Now let's talk about how "A great system requires
'effective marketing'.

Have you ever heard of the 'Google Adword' expert
named Perry Marshall?

Perry said "Nobody who bought a drill actually wanted
a drill ...

They wanted a hole <--- (like this)

Therefore, if you want to sell drills, you should advertise
information about making holes ...

NOT information about drills!"

Think about that statement for a minute ... and then
let me ask you this question:

Are you advertising the hole or the drill?

If you're not sure, here's a hint ... your business is the
drill ...

"Succeeding at that business" is the hole.

Key Point - Effective Marketing is the ability to educate
people on how their greatest needs (their "hole"), can
be filled with your home  business (your "drill")...  And
then motivate them to take action.

My definition of "Effective Marketing" has several key

1) You must start by educating your prospects (don't sell
 them right away)

2) Your focus needs to be on their "hole" (their greatest

3) You must show the connection in how your business
(your "drill"), fills their "hole"

4) You must get them to take action

Your focus needs to be on their needs ... and here's where
I've found that almost all network marketers have failed ...

Look forward to my next message... (it's a surprise)

All The Best With Your Business,

Musa Dumakude

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Yes You Can Easily Generate Quality Leads For Your Business At NO Cost!

The bottom line is that business owners (Small Businesses, Network Marketers, Affiliate Marketers, Internet Marketers, and Opportunity Seekers etc...) that are not Building a LIST
and Increasing EXPOSURE to their list are LOSING sales!

Proven System Generates Quality Leads On Auto Pilot (for FREE)!

Build Your List With a Free Lead System Now!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Why Buy Leads, When You Can Easily Generate Quality Leads For Your Business At NO Cost!

Secret: All Top Leaders Give Away A Free Lead System. To Grow Your Business Get Yours Here:

it's my personal recipe for freedom

Dear Marketer,

In my last post, I mentioned that 'If a
teenager can do it, so can you."

I also shared with you my favorite recipe.

See it again here <---

(it's my personal recipe for freedom)

Now let's talk about a very critical mistake that
a lot of people make when trying to build a
home business.

You need to know that a complicated system
won't work for many people because ...

Key Point - A confused mind says 'NO'!

So the first requirement of a successful system
is that ...

It MUST be SIMPLE ... Simple means that ANYONE
can do it.

Remember this saying ... Appeal to the masses
and dine with the classes!

So what are the simple yet necessary requirements
of a successful system?

1) It must effectively introduce your business to a LOT
of prospects (you need prospects) without taking
much of your time (or money)

2) It must professionally present your business for you
and sort your prospects so you know which ones are
seriously interested

3) It must automatically follow up with prospects
indefinitely, providing them valuable information.

4) It must help you meet your #1 need (getting quality
leads) for little or no cost

5) It must provide you with ongoing training and clearly
communicate that the "System Is The Solution"

Look forward to my next message where I'll teach you:

A Great System Requires Effective Marketing

All The Best,

Musa Dumakude

How do you like your system so far?

Friday, January 24, 2014

Don't Wait Another Moment! Get Your Own Free Lead Generating System Right Now!

Dear Internet Marketer|Affiliate Marketer|MLM|Business Owner,

Quick question...

Have you been using your free lead system?

If you haven't, you need to start using it. 


Because you need to see this powerful machine in really does work in bringing in a ton of
free leads!

We not only show you how and where to advertise,
we give you pre-written ads and cool banners as well.

I'm curious...

Do you realize that you'll be receiving every other
lead from anyone you give it to?

Do you realize what that means?

It means that before you know it, you've got a flood
of leads flowing into your contact management
system, every single day.

This can happen very quickly and can all start
by you giving away just one system.

Seriously, go log in now, grab your link, and start
promoting it.

Login Here Now
Go now... See you there,

To Success,

Musa Dumakude

Imagine Having Your Own Lead Generating System FREE Forever! Grab Your Free Lead System Here

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Building a Business isn't like making cookies...

Dear Internet/Network Marketer,

Last message I talked about why a person will
join your business ...


The way you introduce your business will determine
whether a prospect will believe they can do it.

So what if you showed your prospects something so
simple, a teenager could do it?

I'm sure at one time in your life you've been to a McDonald's
restaurant. Who do they have working behind the counter?


Most of whom have probably never worked anywhere else,
yet each franchise is extremely successful ... why?

Because they know:

What to do ...
When to do it ...
How to do it ...

Simple as 1, 2, 3

Get the bag of French fries out of the refrigerator, put them
in the basket up to a certain line, drop the basket in the oil,
and hit the timer button.

When the timer beeps and flashes ... take out the fries ...
simple ... anyone could do it!

Here's another simple illustration to prove my point ...

Chocolate Chip Cookies.

If you had a recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies ...

AND.. You had all of the ingredients ... and you followed
the recipe by knowing...

What to do ...
When to do it ... and
How to do it ...

Could you easily make chocolate chip cookies?

Of course you could ... but what if you never made
chocolate chip cookies before?

What if you were a teenager, or 75 years old?

What if you never cooked anything before?

It wouldn't matter would it....

But let's be real ... building a business isn't like making

Or is it?

Look forward to my next message where I'll teach you:

A confused mind says 'NO'.

All The Best With Your Business,

Musa Dumakude

My recipe is to always keep it simple.
I give this 5 stars (out of 5) <---

What Would Happen To Your Business When You Have a Free System Generating You Leads On Auto Pilot?

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

if you're failing, try this...‏

Dear Internet/ Network Marketer,

W. Edwards Deming was known as "The Father of
the Quality Evolution". Deming was a manufacturing
and quality control guru who helped Japan rebuild
after World War II.

Key Point - Deming said, "People want to succeed.
They want to do a good job. They don't like to turn
out lousy work.

If your people are consistently failing, it's not their
fault ... it's your system's fault."

Do you have a system that works?

The way that you introduce your prospect to your
business is often the key reason whether they join
your business or not.

So what do I mean by that?

 Well, rather than immediately tell you, I'm going to ask
you some questions.

Do most people have a lot of free time?


What if some distributor (let's call them Joe) introduces
you (pretend you are a prospect) to their opportunity
and takes 30 minutes to do it?

What would you think?

You'd probably think ...

Well, it took Joe 30 minutes, so I guess I'd need to spend
30 minutes to introduce this opportunity every time I want
to share it with others ... and I don't have much free time!

By the way, I'm not saying you shouldn't spend time with
your prospects ...

The key point here, is I'm talking about when you initially
introduce your opportunity to others.

Now, back to my example with Joe the distributor, and you
as a prospect.

Would you join Joe's company if you thought it took 30
minutes to introduce the business to every prospect?

Of course not ...

Would it matter how great the opportunity is or how
great the benefits were?

Of course not ... Why? ...

Key Point - If the way you introduce your business is
something that doesn't work for your prospect, then
they will never join your business.

Look forward to my next message where I'll teach you:

The 1 Key Reason whether someone will join your
business or not.

See You At The Top

Musa Dumakude

Sometimes your 'breakthrough' happens by just
taking action.  Are you ready?...

Step one is to go here and join me.

What Would Happen To Your Business When You Have a Free System Generating You Leads On Auto Pilot?

Monday, January 20, 2014

The importance of focusing on Duplicating rather than recruiting.

Dear Internet | Network Marketer,

The importance of focusing on Duplicating rather
than recruiting.

Today's message will help you take a look at some areas
where duplication is critical to your success in building
a home business...

Is your way of getting prospects something that not only
works, but is easy for your team to duplicate?

Is your way of presenting your business, not only effective,
but also something that is easy for your team to duplicate?
Is the way of following up with prospects, not only automated
but also easy for your team to duplicate?

Are you noticing a pattern here ... let me continue...
When you train someone, is it not only effective, but is it
something that anyone on your team can easily duplicate?...

Do they need to be a master trainer, or spend a lot of time
training others?
Do you have a way to easily get people to join your
business, so it's easy for them to get people to join
their business?
Once people get started in your business, do they
immediately know what to do?

Let me share a few key ideas so you can make sure
you have an organization that duplicates itself ...

1) You need to first make sure that everyone on your
team understands that duplication is the key to success

2) Your team needs to have a system to get quality leads

3) Your system needs to be easy

Look forward to my next message where I'll teach
you why:

Systems are the Key to Duplication!

See You at the TOP….

Musa Dumakude

P.S. You need to have the right 'vehicle' to create
time freedom. 
Here's my #1 recommendation

Friday, January 17, 2014

Power Lead System back office

I strongly invite you to check out my link and …
…watch the brief video so that you can introduce…
… this to others before someone else does.

Would you like the easily earn a lucrative income giving away free lead systems?

I strongly suggest you check it out right away, you’ll be glad you did.

Once you pre enroll which again is absolutely free, then you’ll be given…
… your own unique link with some simple proven ways to easily share your link with others.

Talk Soon…

Musa Dumakude

What Would Happen To Your Business When You Have a Free System Generating You Leads On Auto Pilot?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

How To Reel in a 'Big Fish'

Hi There,

Some sayings are worth their weight in gold ...

You can say all of the "wrong" things to the "right"
person and they'll still join your business ... and
you can say all of the "right" things to the "wrong"
person and they'll never join you.

Key Point - The key to successfully building a home
business is your ability to attract the "right" people
who are already interested in joining a business.

And where do these people exist (in large numbers)
and how do you find them?

Here's an 'offline' tip that works great...

People who are advertising to build their business
by placing ads in newspapers, magazines, online etc.,
are the leaders who are serious about building their

I've found that when you follow up with them about
a month after their ad, then you have a great chance
to see if they're open to your business.

Look forward to my next message where I'll teach you:

Focus on duplicating rather than enrolling.

Your can use your 'free lead system' to help you to
attract the right people so you can successfully build
your home business.

It works!


Musa Dumakude

P.S. You need to have the right 'vehicle' to create
time freedom.

To see what I 'drive'... Visit Here <---
(it's getting me where I want to go)

What Would Happen To Your Business When You Have a Free System Generating You Leads On Auto Pilot?

"Who Else Wants Free Leads for Life?"

Claim Your FREE Lead System...
for a Limited Time Only!

Click this Link Now To Claim Your FREE Lead System!

What Would Happen To Your Business When You Have a Free System Generating You Leads On Auto Pilot?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How this guy earned $50K and saved his marriage...

His story is incredible...

It goes to show you that your current
situation has nothing to do with your

You too can turn everything around.

Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Talk soon,
Musa Dumakude

PS: I'm being Coached by a MILLIONAIRE, Are You? VIDEO HERE

What Would Happen To Your Business When You Have a Free System Generating You Leads On Auto Pilot?

Monday, January 13, 2014

"From $1,400 To $14,000 A Month In 90 Days...."

You've gotta see this! 

It's a case study of how one of my teammates
went from $1,400 per month income to earning 
over $14,000 per month - in just 90 DAYS! 

Watch the video to see how he did it and how you
too, can model what he did :-)


- Musa Duamkude

What Would Happen To Your Business When You Have a Free System Generating You Leads On Auto Pilot?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

***Are You Looking For The Best Viral Blogging Platform? ***

The Empower Network Blogging Platform Is The Best Viral Blogging System On Earth Right Now, PERIOD!

The truth is that setting up a self-hosted blog that is optimized for marketing is an extremely difficult task. Knowing where to place ads, placing ad copy in those ads that converts to leads, understanding the proper text to use (plus more), AND putting it all together, is a highly advanced skill.

Designed By Marketers for Marketers

The Viral Blogging System was designed by marketers, for marketers. When you buy the blog it comes out of the box set up for marketing. A lot of people will pay thousands of dollars to have a blog designed, usually by a designer - and later find out that most designers do not understand how to market.  Design work and marketing are two separate skills that are not related.

The VBS has a slick looking design, is fully customizable to meet the individual’s needs, and is set up to be optimized for your online marketing, if you buy it with the intention to use it for that purpose. Many people use it for personal use, or to market other businesses because it is much quicker, easier and ultimately more affordable than getting a self-hosted blog set up (when you consider everything it takes to set-up and host a blog, such as: monthly hosting fees, design costs, programming costs, and any additional services your outsource such as SEO and anything customized).

Using the Viral Blog to Unite Families

Take Kevin's story for an example. One day he blogged about how he misses his father, and the post ended up ranking in the search engines for his father's name. Since Empower Network is an authority site, your Empower Network Viral Blog in many cases will rank in the search engines easier than a lot of other sites can. Kevin's nephew, who he was not aware existed, contacted him and said, "I think that you and my dad are brothers." After doing a little bit of research, they found out that this was true.

“A brother I knew for 56 years, found me as a result of the Empower Network. That’s Worth a lot more than money.”

Kevin Sousa

The Viral Blogging System Benefits and Features

The Viral Blogging System comes fully hosted, coded and designed for only $25 per month and is stocked and loaded with all these features and more...

Instant setup of your own “Viral Blog”
Ready for you to begin posting content and
marketing your business, product, service, or even personal content. You’ll be up and running within 30-seconds of creating your account!

Multiple Themes

You will have the ability to choose from several “optimized marketing themes” that have been specifically created to include powerfully effective sales psychology built into them. This will ensure you convert visitors to your site into PAYING customers and RAVING fans at the highest levels.

SEO Tool

Included for you is a simple yet powerful Search Engine Optimization “smart” scoring tool that will automatically “read” each of your blog posts, and show you in simple text exactly what you need to include for the best chance of dominating the search engines. This will multiply how many people actually FIND your blog! (Marketers pay from hundreds, to thousands of dollars every month for this service—you get it for FREE!)

Drag and Drop Technology

You can use to easily upload your own custom header and side banners to your blog. This does almost everything FOR you—all you have to do is click your mouse!
Built in “Viral Sharing Muscle”

This guarantees you get the most exposure from every post you make, and compels readers to quickly share your content with ease and excitement. This means even MORE traffic to your blog, and MORE potential for sales or exposure.

Advanced “Viral Commenting” System

Your blog comments will show up in real time and inspire even more “digital” conversations on your site. Remember, rave reviews, lively comments, and more helpful content are what people crave on your blog. There is NOTHING more powerful than the “social proof” coming from other people commenting on your blog, and we’ll help you to easily get LOTS of it every time you post.

Peace of Mind For You!

You’ll never have to worry about installing anything, setting anything up, or “customizing” anything, unless you want to add your own header and company logo to your blog. We’ll handle all of the rest for you! Our skilled programmers work around the clock to ensure your blog is always viewable and available for your customers.
Create Your Account HERE. You’ll be up and running within 30-seconds of creating your account!

Click here and check out my personal empower network blog
Please leave me comments below. I would really love to hear from all of you.

Yours sincerely,
Musa  Dumakude

PS: I’m Being Coached By a MILLIONAIRE, Are You? FREE VIDEO HERE

What Would Happen To Your Business When You Have a Free System Generating You Leads On Auto Pilot?